"What has been your key to leadership?"
Was the question asked of the Elizabeth Lindsay, the head of brands and marketing at Wasserman agency. To which she answered:
"You just need to be a nice person."
She paused for a moment and continued, "You need to be decent."
Okay, so this leader, who has helped get a company to a five-hundred million dollar revenue stream is saying the key to her leadership is being nice?!
I listened attentively as she continued to round out her argument, "You can have all the skills, talents, and experiences but if you can't be a nice person you will never be a leader."
The irony here is that Elizabeth Lindsay is a leader at Wasserman; the epitome of a big company big. Yet she puts her leadership mastery down to a little thing.
Being nice is a little thing.
Be it with a high five, noticing someone's good work, or simply smiling at someone. Be nice.
I am not for a second saying be nice only because you want to become a leader - what comes first is being nice - make it a way of life, the rest will follow.
It is a little thing can have a big impact.
Use it on a daily basis and who knows where it will lead you (first) - towards a happier life - then lead others (second).
To be nice is a not so little thing.